Saturday 20 February 2010

Random Chronicles

Ok so here are a few of my random thoughts. These will be made up of past event's, current idea's, funny thing's iv seen/heard, thing's I want to do/see, questions, or even random one liners. Whatever it is that I type here will be completely random for everyone to read and interact with, I mean this is the Internet and therefore advocate freedom of speech.
Whilst your reading why don't you send in your random thoughts to me then I could put my ideas across about them..It will be like 'hooking' up every ones brainpower, in order to generate a fundamental idea for the vast majority to read.

Lets get this started with the aptly named topic 1
The first idea which comes to mind is spam. Not the edible kind yet I'm sure I could fill a few paragraphs as why not to eat spam, but the mail which is deemed 'junk' mail and sent to your junk folder.
What's rather funny about this is the fact that 80% of these spam emails are usually fraudulent scammers trying to phish your details, or get you to buy this amazing new wonder drug which allows you to lose 12 stone (168lbs) in 3 days..
Correct me if I'm wrong but surely there has to be a setup for this, I mean do the hackers that come up with this stuff sit around a big ass board room/camp fire, throwing out these ideas to one another so each can critique? Surely they are capable of coming up with better ideas. I imagine it goes something like "Desmond! Desmond! quick come here, I got an idea, we can send out an email to everyone telling them to buy penis enlargement pills, surely everyone wants a bigger penis..right?" and yet this doesn't seem to trigger any form of logic..To give you an idea as to the type of lengths and tactics they use I searched the net and came across this fraudulent email which I found at:

Subject: Divine love Charity Home

Divine love Charity Home
5 Oduwa Lane,
Benin City,
Edo State,
21 Nov. 2007

Beloved brothers and sister and all that have good intensions to
their fellow humans,I plead with you on behalf of little girl ANN IYORE.

Until may this year,seven years old Girl called ANN IYORE who never
knew her parent from childhood but kept faith with life in a little
orphanage home in Benin city,Nigeria,suddenly all her joy and hope and
expectations came crushing under the weight of an ailment that has been
diagnosed by doctors at the University of Benin Teaching Hospital(UBTH) to
be Chronic Renal Failure occasioned by faulty kidney.

According to doctors reports,she stand the chance of loosing her life
in about four weeks time on account of her faulty kidney if not
quickly replaced.Now,Ann needs the sum of 2.5million in Nigeria currency
which is equivalent to 17,000:00(seventeen thousand dollars) to
facilitate her fast recovery.

I on behalf of Divine love Charity Home , a body which prior to her
admission in the hospital,which has taken the responsibly of her up keep
of Ann from childhood,appeal to well meaning
individuals,public,Government,philanthropist and organization to come to her rescue in battle to
save her precious life as any level of donations will be graciously
appreciated.This we plead on her behalf in the name of God who will
beautifully reward your kind gesture.please help to save this soul.
Give her future, and help her to achieved her dreams and a brighter

Please,any donation will be useful no matter how small it is.
Please,send your donations to the Proprietor of Divine love Charity
Home through western union,money gram to :

Divine love Charity Home
5 Oduwa Lane,
Benin City,
Edo State,

E-mail :

And email to notify us about your donation and the lord God almighty
will increase you in thousand fold.


Divine love Charity Home"

This was one of the more 'well thought out' ideas I came across!
There seems to be a rather growing trend in these type of scams which are mostly generated from Nigerian facilities or accompanied by a specific tribe which are local to Nigeria situated all over the world.
These sort of 'cyber terrorists' work on an underground level, working alongside other hackers. They aren't stereotypically Nigerian, neither are they idiots, well majority are but you will find a few which are rather tricky to spot from the real thing. Take for example it's common for these people to use a companies name and ask you to verify your details, or your name address etc, but with this allows them to open up endless opportunities to take out loans in your name, bleed you dry of any savings you might have stashed away or even use your ID for illegal activity ie human trafficing.
The way they manage to get our details are generally through details being sold on to these people in form of CD's with email addresses and any other sort of identifiable information.
The only way to stop these is by questioning everything, does my credit card company really want my sensitive information sent over an email? it may sound silly and pretty obvious but at the time they use certain tricks known as psychological emtoional blocks (PEB) which inhibits rational thinking.
Poor Ann's ailment is an example of how they use PEB to pluck at your heart strings. Sometimes they aren't as emotive and go for the greed factor and say you have won the Nigerian lottery! fantastic...wait a minute. So your asking me for $17,000 and yet iv won $18.5million. Then another email, ahh it seems his uncle has passed away and he wants to transfer a cut of his inheritance over to me, looks like the drinks are on me tonight!
It does beg the question, has anyone ever fallen for one of these scams, I mean one of these that iv stated saying you have won the Nigerian lottery or you have to help poor little Anni.
There was a story a couple of months back where a fellow Internet user became fed up with receiving these type of emails and took the action upon him to scam the scammers. Now if you didn't hear of this it involved him contacting the scammers in reply to the email they sent, promising he would release funds from his account etc under one condition, that they take a picture of themselves holding up a sign.. Now if you don't know what I mean take a head over to:
check out some of the photos there, pretty funny.
Be more conscious about what you are reading, is it really what you think it is, or is Desmond sat at his computer desk waiting for another victim to fall to his dreadful exploit?
Join in with the craze and become a 419 scambaiter.
Well that's my first random topic over, please leave your comments etc.

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